Tuesday, 13 January 2015

tusday september 23.2014

my audience profile


gender :male
 Education:entry 3 media and esol
marital statu:not married
Income:not enoutch

                                                        Pychographic :

           i was born to rwanda in 1992 in the war time (genoside)
           i have gron up in Rwanda with my mother.
           whene i was young my activity youse to be to go to school,enjoy life and play with friends
           after the genoside of tutsi in rwanda the place was really good to live i remember to have
           many goods time.
           My mother educate me by her self i dind really now my father,my mother have always see
           and dream biger for me that i think that is the mean reason ho meek her move to Rwanda to
           i am now 22 year old i am  learning media and hope to be a journaliste and producer i love
            video and to see movie whene i was young it was part on my favourite moment till now
            i love photography and art.
            My favourite movie is Gladiator and my fovorite music is Elysium with Hans zimmer